Authentic connection is one of my main values.

Let's connect!

Busy therapy business owners, what changes would you make in your life and business if you could turn down the intensity of the following internal obstacles by 50%?

habitual hustle



'imposter syndrome'

fear of judgement

fear of failure

unhealthy striving

limiting beliefs


putting our own needs last

being afraid to say NO

and your unhealthy relationship to productivity

What would THRIVING in all of your roles would look like?

Book a Quick Chat with Carlyn

This isn't a sales call. It's just a first meeting to see explore possibilities.

Occupational Therapists tell me all the time that they really want to get off the path to burnout and find their way toward a life with more FULFILLMENT, AUTHENTICITY, PURPOSE, & VITALITY in all of their roles.

Often they are often lacking the clarity, courage, and calm to choose a direction and persist in taking the steps toward lasting positive change in the way they live and work. They are often burning out with more responsibility and expectation in all areas of their life than is manageable.

As an OT myself, I get it. I've started a private practice as a side gig, built it up to a 6 figure business, and in order not to burn out, I pivoted to something outside of the clinical box. Here's the secret, I was also fearful - afraid of judgement, failure, and even afraid of success. (Who did I think I was anyway?) I did a ton of personal development and took my own advice as a mental health OT in order to move toward THRIVING.


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