Empowering OT business owners to THRIVE without the HUSTLE.

I see it over and over again. OTs get stuck at various spots in their business journey and the way out usually isn't more business knowledge. It's building self-awareness and challenging old patterns of responding to the internal obstacles that arise.

We often hit internal speed bumps related to perfectionism, self-doubt, 'imposter syndrome', fear of judgement, fear of failure, limiting beliefs, over-functioning, putting our own needs last, being afraid to say NO, and having an unhealthy relationship to productivity.

We often set out to start businesses so that we could have more freedom to practice in a values-aligned way and flexibility in our lives. Then automatic, fear-based patterns of behaviour show up and we lose sight of the life we really want to be living.

I'd love to explore what THRIVING in all of your roles would look like and see how I can help you find more CLARITY, BALANCE, FLOW and VITALITY in all you do.

Book your ACTivate Vitality Clarity Call Now! 

In this call we will put our heads together and see what you need to get where you want to be. We will explore the possibility of working together so that you get the community, support and guidance you need to make important shifts in the way you work and live.

Here's what some of the OTs working with Carlyn have to say

Occupational Therapists tell me all the time that they really want to get off the path to burnout and find their way toward a life with more FULFILLMENT, AUTHENTICITY, PURPOSE, & VITALITY in all of their roles.

Often they are often lacking the clarity, courage, and calm to choose a direction and persist in taking the steps toward lasting positive change in the way they live and work. They are often burning out with more responsibility and expectation in all areas of their life than is manageable.

As an OT myself, I get it. I've started a private practice as a side gig, built it up to a 6 figure business, and in order not to burn out, I pivoted to something outside of the clinical box. Here's the secret, I was also fearful - afraid of judgement, failure, and even afraid of success. (Who did I think I was anyway?) I did a ton of personal development and took my own advice as a mental health OT in order to move toward THRIVING.

Now I help other deep thinking, big feeling, heart-centred OTs do the same.

When you're burning out or stuck behaviour patterns that don't align with your intentions, goals, and dreams, it's hard to see your way out, let alone get onto the trailblazing you'd really like to do! Let's talk and see if you are ready to Rise & Live Fully.


That looks a little different for each individual. Here's what a few of the people I've worked with have to say:

Also from Jasmin, who look the leap into private practice after years of

contemplating AND had 14 new clients in the first few weeks!!

Imagine finding yourself in a place in life where you think you have become the professional, the woman, the mother, the friend you had once dreamed about becoming but constantly feeling like you’re undeserving, you don’t belong, you aren’t achieving enough and you’re stuck - unable to make a move away from those feelings of despair.


That’s where I found myself. 


Wishing for the courage to take a step away from the things that don’t bring me joy and into a dream that I wasn’t sure I could do because “I don’t know enough, I’m too scared, I don’t know how”. 


Carlyn’s program had me slow down, focus on being present and getting clear with myself. What do I spend my time on, what do I wish I spent MORE time on, how do I INTENTIONALLY include some of the activities that bring me joy? I also learned how to lean into the uncomfortable feelings and find curiosity about them - what is this fear telling me? How can I use the “imposter monster” to move me forward instead of holding me back. 


The group coaching calls help me connect to others with similar mindsets or similar life situations. We have a safe place to talk about things without feeling judged or scrutinized for wanting more for ourselves but not knowing how to get there. This community connection might be the most valuable part of the program - seeing and hearing about how other people are putting the program into practice in real time. 


In the end, I’m so proud of the progress I’ve made by investing in myself to dig deeper and connect with others. I’ve stepped away from a work role that wasn’t serving my values and I am now challenging myself to create a business that is wholly and uniquely mine - a reflection of the things I want to squeeze out of this life. I can also focus on the more important parts of my home life now that I find my work life to align better with my values. 


Being a member of the Activate Vitality program has given me the clarity, the courage and the community to take small moves toward valued actions in my life. Each small move has added up to big ones, but I’m certain I wouldn’t have had the tools to get there on my own without the ease the AV program has given me. 

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